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240 resources and 7 collections matched your query.


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Showing resources 1 to 20 of 240

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  • Gloved hands reaching into a large cardboard drum full of lightbulbs. Caption: that live in the area that bring them for recycling.

    In this episode, Joel Greene explores the Lighting Resources Facility in Texas, where they collect old light bulbs. They dump them all into an incredible machine that breaks them apart, safely collects the mercury, and cleans the remaining glass. Lastly, Joel follows the crushed light bulb remnants and watches the process of mixing the recycled light bulbs in with recycled glass to create gorgeous counter tops and flooring. Part of the Curiosity Quest Series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Magic school bus travelling through a tube with points of light. Caption: The inside of the wire is filled with electric charges,

    The Magic School Bus is an award winning animated children’s television series based on the book series of the same title by Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen. It is notable for its use of celebrity talent and being both highly entertaining and educational. It's Valentine's Day, and the class is selling light bulbs. When they stop at Ms. Frizzle's house to sell her one, they find that her battery-operated doorbell doesn't work. While looking for Ms. Frizzle to tell her the doorbell's broken, Wanda overhears her teacher talking on the telephone. "Ms. Frizzle has a boyfriend," says Wanda, "and he's on his way over to see her. We've got to fix the doorbell or she'll never know he's here." But first they have to figure out how the doorbell works.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A vet looking over a dog. Caption: is called the "experimental group."

    Two teenagers apply the scientific method to solving everyday problems: explaining a burned-out light bulb and exploring the possibility of falling toast landing jelly-side down. Defines terms and offers other examples to demonstrate the scientific method in use.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cat standing in front of an automatic food dispenser. Caption: Their labor of love went from passion to prototype,

    In this episode, host Mo Rocca shows viewers the light bulb that levitates, discusses the petrol pumps that fueled the world, and reveals the best advice from past inventors. He also discusses new technological developments in pet care. Part of "The Henry Ford Innovation Nation With Mo Rocca" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustrations depict a cell placed above the graphene, which is illuminated by a light bulb. Caption: The more intense the light, the faster the cells beat.

    In this episode, researchers operate lab-grown heart cells by remote control, and researchers at UCLA discuss their research on memory. They are conducting experiments with snails. What predictions are scientists making for the future of hurricanes? Based on current models, they will be stronger, slower, and wetter. Part of the "4 Awesome Discoveries You Probably Didn't Hear About This Week" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Closeup of an incandescent lightbulb. Caption: a change in the wattage of the lightbulb

    Part of the "A 3-D Demonstration" series. Defines electric power and explores in general terms a variety of means by which it is produced, transmitted, and consumed. Discusses energy conservation in relation to power production, transmission, and consumption with a particular focus on the efficiencies and inefficiencies associated with the conversion of electricity to light. Specific modules include Efficiency I: Power Production, Power, Efficiency II: Power Transport, Power Transmission, Power Consumption, Inefficiency I: The Light Bulb, and Inefficiency II: The Fluorescent Bulb. Correlates to all National CTE Organizational Standards (including the provisions of the Perkins Act).

    (Source: DCMP)

  • A battery gauge has 14 blocks, where 7 blocks are full. The grades of the battery gauge reads, from top to bottom, as follows. Gamma rays, X rays, U V, visible rays, and infrared. An arrow points from visible light to infrared.

    If the sun instantly switched off like a light bulb, it would take almost 8 and a half minutes before humans on Earth realized what happened. Light travels at the fastest speed there is, but it still takes almost 500 seconds to get to Earth. This means the sunlight that reaches Earth is old. How is that possible? It is due to the concept of random walks. Part of the “It’s Okay to Be Smart” series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Man writing with a quill in a candle lit room. Caption: Matter of fact, he studied and studied and studied.

    Timeblazers Sam and Jen meet some geniuses of the past, including Nicholas Copernicus, the first to map out the Solar System; William Shakespeare and his magnificent Globe Theatre; Benjamin Franklin, a great inventor, printer, and philosopher; Thomas Edison, who invented the first practical incandescent light bulb; Eratosthenes, who used a stick to figure out the size of the earth and that the planet was round; Plato, a great philosopher and thinker; Jean-Francois Champollion, who unlocked the mystery of the Rosetta Stone; Magellan, who was the first to sail around the world; and the "Renaissance Man," Leonardo da Vinci.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Gloved hands placing insulation in between ceiling beams. Caption: and easier to manipulate in the attic.

    Professional remodeler Danny Lipford offers practical home improvement information to homeowners. Discusses products and ideas for saving money on energy bills: caulking, expandable foam sealant, weather stripping, thresholds, insulated socket sealers, attic and window insulation, water heater blankets, and compact fluorescent light bulbs. Looks at using a flexible wheelbarrow screen for sifting rocks from soil. Talks about Dremel cordless tools. Gives reasons why homeowners should use mulch.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Light waves emitting from a lightbulb. Spanish captions.

    Students will learn how light is measured. Visual diagrams and hands-on experiments help students understand how light works. Important terminology includes wave, electromagnetic spectrum, wavelength, energy, reflection, lens, and prism.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Shadow of an arm ending in a colorful bird. Caption: (narrator) It's all done by light, shadows, and color.

    An elementary class prepares for a visit from the Shadow Players, a group who use light, shadow, and color to tell a story. The class learns about sources of light, shadows, and silhouettes. They experiment with transparent, opaque, and translucent objects to see what lets light through. Using a prism, they discover the colors in light. Review at the end.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Molecules and Light

    • Simulation
    Screenshot: Phet Simulation - Molecules and Light.  Various options of Microwave, Infrared, Visible and ultra violet light sources.  Options to choose Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Water Nitrogen or Ozone, with buttons to start pause the simulation and to show the light spectrum.

    Turn light source on to explore. Observe what happens in the observation window as you set up different combinations of light source and molecule. Note this simulation is the first to support our zoom and magnification feature, so zoom in for a closer look, if you need to.

    (Source: PhET Interactive Simulations)

  • Straight on view of a car's headlights. Caption: Light travels in straight lines.

    What is light? What are some of the ways people use light? In this program, students develop a basic understanding of light and its uses. The fundamental characteristics of light are highlighted. Concepts and terminology discussed include: night, day, solar energy, and reflect.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Clear water in a pebbled riverbed. Light reflects off the surface of the water. Caption: In this case, you see how light passes through an object

    Using real-world demonstrations and colorful graphics, students explore how light travels and how different mediums can affect light, resulting in reflection, refraction, and absorption. The color spectrum is also discussed through the use of prisms and paints. Part of the "Real World Science" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Illustration of a spider on a light switch. Caption: Okay? And we're off.

    Olli cannot understand why a light is turned off when it is not needed, since it is so easy to flick the switch. Thanks to Suzie, the children get to meet "Power," who can indeed create ample electricity. They also learn a lesson about conservation and natural resources. Part of the "My Little Planet" series.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Sun shining over a building. Caption: In the mid-17th century, Father Francesco Grimaldi

    Is light composed of waves or particles? Explores the wave model of light from its earliest roots to our modern understanding of electromagnetism in 17 computer-animated video modules. Expresses Empedocles' belief that light streams from the eye, Aristotle's conception of light as a disturbance in ether, and Euclid's mathematical, ray-centered paradigms. Presents the Cartesian sine wave model, Huygens' principle of bending wave fronts, the electromagnetic spectrum, and aspects of particle theory. Provides an overview of diffraction, interference, polarization, and dispersion. Also explains Young's double-slit experiment.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Cartoon owl at the controls of a vehicle. Caption: It is a free source of light.

    Part of the animated "Johan, the Young Scientist" series. Johan travels to ScienScape one evening because of a power outage at his house. There he learns that there are only two sources of light-natural and artificial lights. Professor Hoo then guides him, Ani, and Moki on their night out to find the brightest source of light that is also completely free.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Rocky coastline. Caption: Life learned to use sunlight to develop

    Millions of years ago, a group of bacteria, the cyanobacteria, developed a new way to harness energy from the sun. This new development had important consequences for the evolution of both the atmosphere and the diversity of life on Earth.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Reflection of a mountain in a lake. Caption: This law of reflection holds true

    What is light? How does it operate? What are its properties? Why is it so important to the foundations of our physical world? Examines the nature of light and how it's harnessed in our lives. Explains the basic properties of light and the wave model. Also, discusses the concepts of wavelength, frequency, speed, reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, and dispersion. Explains the EMR spectrum, the color of objects, and the addition and subtraction of colors.

    (Source: DCMP)

  • Bright glowing sphere against a blue sky. Caption: Ultraviolet technology is useful for some environmental issues,

    Invisible ultra-violet light energy is finding its way into an increasing variety of high-tech applications, such as disinfecting water of hazardous micro-organisms and in the development of paint that dries in seconds. The highly competitive field of computer chip lithography also has chemists and physicists working with ultra-violet light technology. New light technologies are being used to manufacture semiconductors, lenses, and many other technological components.

    (Source: DCMP)



Showing collections 1 to 7 of 7

  • Biology

    • Video
    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • 3D Model
    • Audio File

    Biology related concepts

    A collection containing 59 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Anatomy

    • Video
    • Image
    • PDF
    • Text Document
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic

    Collection of anatomy resources

    A collection containing 21 resources, curated by Benetech

  • PhET Simulations

    • Simulation

    A collection of simulations from PhET.

    A collection containing 15 resources, curated by Charles LaPierre

  • Vision

    • Image
    • Text Document
    • PDF
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • Video

    Resources related to vision

    A collection containing 12 resources, curated by Charles LaPierre

  • Chemistry

    • Video
    • Image
    • 2.5D Tactile Graphic
    • PDF
    • Text Document
    • Simulation

    A collection of Chemistry related resources

    A collection containing 67 resources, curated by Benetech

  • Elements

    • Image
    • Text Document
    • 3D Model

    3D models and images of the entire periodic table of elements

    A collection containing 118 resources, curated by Library Lyna

  • Animals

    • Video

    Resources to teach younger students about animals

    A collection containing 58 resources, curated by DIAGRAM Center